Charity Sutton
CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC owner & operator
Charity Sutton
CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC owner & operator
A business and a dream are all that was needed to successfully launch CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC started in 2017 in a small business on Palm St in Rochester, NY.
Overcoming a corporate America, Charity desired entrepreneurship while allotting time to spend with her family. She quit her 9-5 and enrolled in esthetics school…the same day. Commencing as an NYS Licensed esthetician, she executed her business plan. However, within 3 years, one business plan morphed into another larger business plan. In 2020, Charity purchased her first commercial building, and relocated CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC to 2750 Dewey Ave.
While hardworking is dutiful, Charity never lost focus of her dream. She made her dreams a reality. Now as a successful entrepreneur, she has the opportunity to spend quality time with her pride & joy…her children.
“We rise by lifting others” Charity is committed to evolving while providing the consistent training for her staff and herself.
CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC is here to provide you the ultimate whole body luxury experience.
Book your appointment today.
Overcoming a corporate America, Charity desired entrepreneurship while allotting time to spend with her family. She quit her 9-5 and enrolled in esthetics school…the same day. Commencing as an NYS Licensed esthetician, she executed her business plan. However, within 3 years, one business plan morphed into another larger business plan. In 2020, Charity purchased her first commercial building, and relocated CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC to 2750 Dewey Ave.
While hardworking is dutiful, Charity never lost focus of her dream. She made her dreams a reality. Now as a successful entrepreneur, she has the opportunity to spend quality time with her pride & joy…her children.
“We rise by lifting others” Charity is committed to evolving while providing the consistent training for her staff and herself.
CR BEAUTY BAR, LLC is here to provide you the ultimate whole body luxury experience.
Book your appointment today.